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Coming of Age

a Unitarian Universalist Rite of Passage

Supporting teens on an exploration of personal faith

Coming of Age is a Unitarian Universalist Rite of Passage that welcomes and affirms youth as they begin their journey towards adulthood. Participants are supported on this journey by program facilitators, ministers, members of their congregation, and the LIAC religious education staff. Coming of Age is comparable to a confirmation or bar/bat mitzvah.

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Coming of Age Recognition

Personal Credos

At the end of the Coming of Age program, participants craft and present a worship service, celebrating their journeys and how they have grown. During the service, participants share personal “credo” statements. These can be presented as a statement of faith, a poem, a visual representation, or other mediums that feels authentic to the youth. 

Gia Anderson stands in the pulpit at UU Fellowship of Huntington, her painting,

What will I do in COA?

Your schedule is busy, we know, so we are excited that you (and probably your guardians) have committed to this journey. When you enroll in Coming of Age you are joining a covenantal community, so there are some expectations.

  • Attend and participate in orientation and the five meeting sessions
  • You will be given reading about Unitarian Universalism
  • If you’ve met one Unitarian Universalist, you’ve met one Unitarian Universalist. Our faith is comprised of people from all backgrounds, cultures and beliefs. You will have guided conversations with guardians, mentors, or other adults in the UU community.
  • Your mentor will provide guidance on the selection and completion of two projects that reflect your needs, personal interests, and unique skills:
    • One project is focused on the larger faith community
    • The other is centered around your home congregation.
  • Completion of community service hours
COA 2024 Program Cover

The Gifts of Coming of Age

“But Mom, I don’t want to.”

If you are asking “why should I give a bunch of my free time over to something for church?”, we hear you. We also know from experience that your commitment will be rewarded.

Deepened connection to Unitarian Universalism​
Explore your personal religious philosophies​​​ and ideas
A safe, brave space to talk about difficult issues of being a teenager
New friends who share your values

Coming of Age offers parents/guardians of youth participants:

Support, with small group ministry-style gatherings
A safe, compassionate, affirming religious community for your young person
Development of open communication between you and your youth


You have questions. We have answers.

Below are answers to common questions. If you have further questions, you can reach us at